ARD17 2D Barcode
ARD17 2D Barcode
Home of the GeoCrown
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Found an ARD17 badge (button), GeoCrown or Travel Fob? Here's what to do. Log in to this site and enter the Trackable's three character code (you'll find it hand written on the back of the badge or printed on the GeoCrown and Travel Fob) and the code for the cache where you found the badge.
If you don't want to register with the site you can still log your find by pressing the "Already Registered" button above and logging in using the username "Guest" and password "Guest". The downside is you won't be able to follow the progress of the Trackable on this site in future.
Once you've done this you'll be given all the information you need about the trackable item, including its name and most importantly, its 'misson'. The Trackable's mission may be to travel to a particular county, state, country, or goto a number of specified points around the globe. You should try to help it complete its mission by hiding it in a geocache that will take it closer to one of its destinations or further along its journey.

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